Wednesday 17 August 2011

Running, A's and Flappers

Finally got my arse back on the river track yesterday, with babe in tow, and we had a great time. I inherited one of those awesome mega jogging pram-beasts that holds a ten-year-old that is completely useless for anything other than exercising (as in, it won't fit in a car or on public transport, or around any combination of seating in a cafe, or a moderately crowded supermarket) and plonked kiddo down in it after piling layer upon layer of clothing on him because I was so scared my need for exercise + my inability to get up early = baby gets a horrible nasty cold because it's the middle of bloody winter and I'm running full pelt along a river. I had some chivalrous, if downright fucking hilarious, assistance from the local carwash guys pumping up the beast's tires (it's on a funny angle and my inflation attempts obviously looked like I had no idea what I was doing, so two of the more attractive ones [Sri Lankan and West African - I live in a cool area] sauntered over to 'help', which just meant doing it all for me and teasing babe, which elicited many smiles from all involved, they even watched him buckle himself back in and farewelled us with shouts and huge waves, it pretty much made my day, erm.....anyway) and then we were off. I picked a route that wouldn't kill me and ended in a playground, passing not one single playground on the way which would have infuriated little babe, and we were all very content. The hardest part was discussing what species of shark would possibly survive if it found its way into the river (bull shark, obvs) while I was trying not to die from lack of air after not running for so long, and for not ever having run whilst pushing a twenty kilogram human and a small collection of apples in front of me. Good times.

Unfortunately, today I felt horrible on the way to my singing lesson, like perhaps I'll just call her and cancel and lose my forty bucks kind of horrible, but I rocked up anyway armed with an excuse as to why I was going to be so terrible that I didn't even get a chance to use because I wasn't terrible, I was great. And I kept thinking to myself, imagine how much better I would have been if I had actually practised this week. I got my top 'A' back, which is fucking fantastic. It's still about a third lower than the note every soprano needs to be comfortable singing, but it's a tone higher than I could sing last week, and I am fucking jubilant. What ho, old lad! Fuck yes.

I also picked the first song for my audition. I want to do an entirely new set of songs, not just for the novelty, but I'm also afraid of slipping back into old habits by recycling old repertoire. I think I would have to spend a lot of time unlearning things. Here is a recording of it, not the best example, but this girl is so nice to look at and I love her tone.

So I'm not sure what to say about flappers. They're cool.

You are awesome.


  1. Her tone is very lush. I haven't heard a teenager sing with that much feeling since I chilled out watching audition week at Mannes Prep half a dozen years ago. Very nice.

    As for running with a kid in a pram...kudos to you, miss. I hate to run all by myself let alone pushing extra weight that has an opinion about speed and destination. lol

    You're pretty kick-ass for not dying mid-run. ;)

  2. I really enjoyed this, and your post before this was hilarious. By the way, that's right about the bull shark, but most people don't know that there is also a land shark that can hide under beds, but you probably shouldn't tell your children about that.
